Script kiddie hacker

In the many types of computer hackers, Script kiddies are the newbies without any solid programming knowledge who uses the exiting codes and scripts to gain illegal access inti a computer system or network and even a website.

The kids of the hacking realm, this hacker type isn't responsible for a lot of damage, particularly because of the little skill or effort they put into their hacking.
Downloading hacking software, or pre-written script, these hackers would just run a website against a software and disrupt its working. From the routing overloading traffic, or repeatedly running transactions, this hacker type's impact is significant, but not really.

An inexperienced and unskilled "hacker" (see hacker) using pre-fabricated scripts in order to break into computer networks, hence he carries just enough knowledge to be considered dangerous, should he be successful, but often is a failure.

 This is a wannabe hacker who lacks expertise. Just like it takes time to earn your Ph.D., it is difficult to go up the ranks to becoming a skilled hacker. A script kiddie is usually nowhere near the level of being able to hack into an advanced system, hence tending to stick to weakly secured systems. This “kid” may also get premade scripts or codes from other sources because they lack the knowledge to develop their own code. Script kiddies’ careers are generally short-lived as they might lack the discipline and creativity it takes to become an advanced hacker.

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