5 Most Common Password Vulnerabilities
  • Password Vulnerability due to Phishing.
  • Brute Force Attack puts your password at risk.
  • Dictionary or Word list Attack.
  • Social Engineering.
  • Malware attack on passwords increasing by the day.

What Is A Network Vulnerability?

A network vulnerability is a weakness or flaw in software, hardware, or organizational processes, which when compromised by a threat, can result in a security breach.
What Is A Network Vulnerability?

What Are The Different Types Of Network Vulnerabilities?

  1. Malware, short for malicious software, such as Trojans, viruses, and worms that are installed on a user’s machine or a host server.
  2. Social engineering attacks that fool users into giving up personal information such as a username or password.
  3. Outdated or unpatched software that exposes the systems running the application and potentially the entire network.
  4. Misconfigured firewalls / operating systems that allow or have default policies enabled.

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