This year’s worst passwords include the famous “123456” and “password” along with new additions like “starwars” and “trustno1.”

The password solutions company SplashData compiled a list of most common passwords based on data of five million passwords that were leaked by hackers in 2017. While we all know the popular ones “123456” and “password” which tops the list, there are few new additions this year. The list includes “starwars” (16th), “iloveyou” (10th), “monkey” (13th) and “letmein” (7th) along with other variations of “12345” and “password”. The passwords evaluated for the list are predominantly from users in North America and Western Europe and does not include data from the infamous Yahoo hack.

The 25 Most Common Passwords of 2017

 “Hackers are using common terms from pop culture and sports to break into accounts online because they know many people are using those easy-to-remember words.”
Here’s a list of top 25 common passwords from the list. Make sure yours is not on the list.
  1. 123456 
  2. Password 
  3. 12345678
  4. qwerty 
  5. 12345
  6. 123456789 
  7. letmein 
  8. 1234567
  9. football
  10. iloveyou 
  11. admin 
  12. welcome 
  13. monkey 
  14. login 
  15. abc123 
  16. starwars 
  17. 123123
  18. dragon 
  19. passw0rd 
  20. master 
  21. hello 
  22. freedom 
  23. whatever
  24. qazwsx 
  25. trustno1 
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