Malware, or malicious software, is any program or file that is harmful to a computer user. Types of malware can include computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses and spyware.

Malware is typically delivered in the form of a link or file over email and requires the user to click on the link or open the file to execute the malware.

Types of Malware:

  • virus is the most common type of malware which can execute itself and spread by infecting other programs or files.
  • A  worm can self-replicate without a host program and typically spreads without any human interaction or directives from the malware authors.
  • Trojan horse  is  designed to appear as a legitimate program in order to gain access to a system. Once activated following installation, Trojans can execute their malicious functions. 
  • Spyware  is  made to collect information and data on the device user and observe their activity without their knowledge.
  • Ransomware is designed to infect a user's system and encrypt the data. Cyber-criminals then demand a ransom payment from the victim in exchange for decrypting the system's data.
  • A  rootkit  is created  to obtain administrator-level access to the victim's system. Once installed, the program gives threat actors root or privileged access to the system.
  • Adware is used to track a user’s browser and download history with the intent to display pop-up or banner advertisements that lure the user into making a purchase. For example, an advertiser might use cookies to track the web pages a user visits to better target advertising.
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