Tips to Create A Strong Password

1. Create a password that is not less than eight characters: use a random combination of characters.

2. Avoid using a common phrase, your name, nickname or address: Other information such as your name, your pet’s name, DOB and street address might be easy for you to remember but is a piece of cake for hackers to crack your password.

3. Use a mix of alphanumeric characters and numbers: can be converted to “N3v$rM1^d”.

4. Abbreviate a sentence: the password becomes – i@aTc&!

5. Do not use the same password twice:Never make the mistake of using the same password for all your online accounts. Chances are that someday you may end up giving important information such as your credit card details, without thinking about securing your account with a strong password.

6. Use two-factor authentication:  a two-factor authentication actually adds another layer of security to your online account.

7. Do not store passwords in your browser: Storing a password in a browser can be hacked.

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